
Jan 3, 20171 min read
We've moved!
Further to our blog post last month letting you know we were moving, we're now successfully installed at our new site. Fast and...

Nov 9, 20161 min read
deckpro's customer portal goes live!
Our new customer portal goes live today! We've launched the portal to allow you to see the status of current jobs open with us, review...

Oct 24, 20161 min read
The deckpro pumps helpdesk
We've launched our new helpdesk! In the fast-moving world of pump maintenance, there's less and less time to react. That's why our...

Oct 30, 20151 min read
Any pump, anywhere
Okay, so a pumpkin was a bit of a diversion for us - more trick than treat… The point is, though, that we work with any pump, anywhere. ...

Apr 29, 20151 min read
The fastest and most effective provider
The spine-tailed swift can power itself up to over 100 mph. That’s faster than any other bird. The Peregrine Falcon, which is famed for...

Nov 12, 20140 min read